Turning Feelings Into Experiences

Soft Chaos designs meaningful, playful interactions that connect people at the interstices of physical and digital worlds.

Imagine With Us
Designers of Delight

What We Do

Three Reasons to

Embrace A Little Chaos

Playful and

We love what we do, and working with us is pleasant but never dull.

not Rigid

We adapt our process to suit your needs, whether you want hands-on collaborators or just want it handled.

and Caring

We are as invested in the projects we take on as our clients are, and we aim to do what's best for you and your project first and foremost.

You'll Be Fine Without Us

...If you like doing things the hard way.

Even a short consultation with us can save you energy, time, and money. We'll help get your project where it needs to go.

Let's Talk

What It's Like to Work With Us

When you call in Soft Chaos, we put our eclectic, award-winning design skills and diverse lived experiences to work in service of your needs. We love meaningful design that exceeds expectations while staying in scope of your project requirements. It all starts with a first consultation so we can get to know each other.

Full-Service Game Development

Do you want to make an entire game but don't have the team you need to do it? Our team specializes in small digital games that anyone can play in a web browser, and we have worked with groups from local community organizations to major not-for-profits to make their visions a reality. From design to programming to narrative, art, and sound, we've got you covered!

Interactive Experience Design Consultation

Whether you are making a digital game or an experimental art installation, we can help you design an experience that will stick with your audience long after they've left it. Soft Chaos has a love of innovative formats and unusual design challenges. Ask us about the time we adapted an eight-person larp into an interactive theatre show capable of accommodating an audience three times that size.

Teaching, Workshops, and Talks

From primary school-aged learners to game designers currently in the workforce: if you need educational content to improve your game design skills, Soft Chaos is here to help, whether it's giving a single talk or creating the curriculum for an entire semester course. We have taught at internationally renowned organizations and major studios, and have expertise with neurodivergent learners and learning styles.

A Selection of Soft Chaos Clients

Our members have also worked with

Generously supported by The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Our Supporters

Our Work (And Play)

Case Studies & Other Cool Things

We think you'll like these projects as much as we do, but what we really want is to help you make a project that you love. Try these on for size as examples of what we can do for you!


Check out our blog on Comradery

We're on Comradery, a subscription platform that's kind of similar to Patreon or Substack, except democratically owned and operated just like we are. Visit us there for regular updates on what we're currently working on, and if you can, make a monthly donation to help support our Soft Chaos Originals!

Read Here

Emails Seldom, Cats Always.

We hardly ever send emails. Weekly emails aren't really our thing. But it is how we tell people about new projects, events, crowdfunding campaigns, and other initiatives we're involved in. It's also one of the ways we ask for playtesters!

If that is your thing, please subscribe! There may be cats. (There will definitely be cats.)